Monday, March 06, 2006

My wish list A.K.A things that I wish people would get me for prezzies in the future!!

Hi everyone, I just finished 1/2 my take-home mid term @ 12 mn just now, couldn't sleep for an hr and the dearie is asleep so here I am. =) (dunch wanna wake her up la.) Anyway, I've wanted to post this post for a v v v long here goes!

My Ultimate Wish List (i.e. if you read this, pls pls pls get me at least one of these things for a present instead of the usual books, cards and t-shirts, which I am sick of btw...)

In order of importance
Calvin and Hobbes comic books, especially the 150th Calvin and Hobbes anniversary edition!
2. Smallville series 2, 3 and 4
3. Any comedy series, like the Thin Blue Line
4. Portable game machine ala Brick Game
5. DVDs/VCDs of Holy Spirit conferences, in which they teach/demonstrate on how to pray for people to be filled with the Spirit
6. CDs: Hoobastank, Creed, Remy Zero (who sang the song "Save Me" of the Smallville series)
7. A pair of (lasting) sandals


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