Friday, May 19, 2006

5 days before the annual trip

Hiyee! I've been so busy and so long away from the net, that I've hardly had time to breathe and catch up with some destressing. Actually that's gd, 'cos it means that I don't really need to destress, y'know, been really enjoying myself nowsaday.

So, a few good things to update you guys, and to thank God for:
1) A good outreach camp. Me and Glenn were teaching on Matt, real challenging. And i think it must've been a major shock to Justin, 'cos he's like not even half-way thru the Alpha syllabus and he's required to interpret Matt. Ha ha. But ya, thank God we managed to give the old peeps some good old learning regarding the Word, and thank God we all had a real fun time (including a 1 hr strandedness that ended in bashing the door down!)

2) A good work progress so far. Was very thankful to have Mel come work for me today. Really helped me a lot. Then Wenshan offered to do my designs! So nice! =))) Of course must pay these folks la, but hey, they're a real blessing.

3) Had a good anniversary, and soon will be having a good Mother's Day Jap lunch! Hallelujah to enjoyment and boo to the wallet and all hopes of slimming down!

4) Was really blessed by Rev Kubus ministry these few days in town. Firstly, I've never seen 3 wheelchair pple walk in 1 service. Secondly, there was no hollywood superstardom, it was just get up and walk, a loving embrace, and God got them healed. And he said one thing that really really impacted me: God's God whether you've prayed all night, fasted before the service, etc. He'll still be God if you stop praying. He'll still be God if everyone left the church. There's nothing stopping him from being the same God, who is almighty, ready to heal, and full of mercy and grace. And since all our healing is because of God's mercy, we can just trust his mercy. Stress didn't get anyone healed; God does. Stress doesn't get anyone healed; compassion and faith does.

5) We had a move of the Spirit in the Outreach today! I'm real blessed!

Also, a few updates:

1. Bible School in Tacloban has closed down 'cos the local pastor had resigned some time ago. He's still around in Tacloban, just that there's no Bible school anymore. So I might be checking out other options.

2. I'm going Philippines this Wed 12 p.m.! Do come and see me off ya? And let me know if you're coming. The no is 97904094.


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