Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Trust and obey. for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus.

*I've decided to put a secret addition here, as a blog of my listening to God. It's not secret in the sense that I don't want people to read it, but just secret in the sense that I don't wanna draw attention to it. So it's being added, discreetly, here.*

If we're gonna set up a church, it has to be God's church and not our own. There must be a reason why the church must be there.

Don't build a church for the sake of building one. Don't build a church so that it can stay in the established mold. There must be areas of strength that this church can contribute to the models of others.

So far: I want to disciple a church that's faithful to God and to each other, full of faith and the Word of God. A few things must change:

1) We must not have too big a congregation-leader ratio. Affects the depth of fellowship and the assimilation of the Word.

2) Our sheep must aspire to be like Christ. They must aspire to one day be mentors and examples to their fellow sheep. The cares of daily life must not be used as a justification for a lack of devotion to Christ. Rather, the Lord must take our burdens so that we can take his.

3) A normal Christian is one who loves God and makes God the top priority in life and service, to sacrifice in the capacity of a layman. An extraordinary Christian is one who makes extraordinary sacrifices to achieve the goals God has set him/her to do. The sickly Christian is one who barely can cope. And such people is who we aim to restore to a healthy position.

4) Systematic teaching, while important, must be mixed with spontaneous teaching. Both are impt. Because the spontaneous stays in the person, while the systematic is easily passed down.

5) Teaching involves both doctrinal teaching and teaching the sheep how to interpret the Word.

6) Fellowship and fun is also important within the community. We must not be work-driven and forget that the church is the gang with which we'll be hanging out for eternity.

7) Blind loyalty to the leader is ill-advised. Personal loyalty to a leader who is himself loyal and accountable to God, his word and the sheep is the correct principle to pass down.

8) Blind loyalty to an organisation is ill-advised. Loyalty to a church group, in the context of the universal church is the correct principle to pass down.

My goals for the next 3 months:
1. To gain back a consistent walk with the Lord. To develop more self-control. To be filled with his holiness and his Spirit.
2. To finish my ICI as part of my spiritual self-development
3. To disciple the outreach folk to a dedicated faith in Christ.

Draw me nearer to you
Nearer to you
Fill my life with your presence
The way you want to
Till my soul is amazed
Each and every day
Draw me nearer, nearer to you.

- 1 Peter 1:13 "Be alert, and exercise self-control".
- live in reverent fear of Him, especially since the ransom paid for me was not cheap, but the very Son of God.
- to draw closer to him

Lord, light a fire again
I feel new life begin
I'll stand and testify...
Revival set me free
I am brand new

- Man shall not live by bread alone. Man needs the Word of God for his daily life as well.
- Once not his people, now part of the people of God. Once having no mercy, now receiving his mercy. Therefore to keep away from evil desires, which war against my soul.
- It is God's will that my good life should silence opposers; although being free, to use my freedom to live as God's slaves. (How do you use your freedom?)
- Don't be afraid to suffer for doing good. It brings a reward from God. "Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!"
- For Peter, one of his main emphases: "Keep your conscience clear." Baptism as an appeal to God for a clear conscience.

Phillipians: Don't forfeit your privilege to suffer for Christ. =) Remember, you have the privilege to trust in Him, you have the privilege to suffer for Him, and you have the privilege to share his glory.

As Elisha once made a bold request, so I make a very bold request. I ask to have a double portion of the Spirit of God that rested on Paul.

I say even as Paul says, "I'm not trying to say that I've achieved perfection. But I keep WORKING TOWARDS THAT DAY!! When I will finally be all Jesus saved me for!"


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