Saturday, May 07, 2005


Wear a smile, a cheery smile
One to hold your day
Then the weary second mile
Seems as light as play

Hold your head, a thoughtful head
Lift your chin up high
Let the pensive thoughts be laid
The Smiling Man draws nigh

Think of love, a holy love
Freedom and reprieve
Flowing in the sacred dove
Who will never leave

Cling to joy, a blessed joy!
Smiles and laughter seen
Medicine to the sullen boy
Jokes --
Mind that's clean and keen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not bad, not bad at all...always felt simple poems were the best kind. I would never be able to foollow metre and rhyme so carefully...if any rhyme or metre pops up in my poetry, it's more accidental than anything. Hee.

Last stanza is quite interesting. The three beat pause after jokes...for effect I suppose. Is there another reason why there is such a long pause? Probably reading too much into it.

Very Songs of Innocence. Now for an earth-shattering, paradigm-shifting experience that will result in a song of Experience. Then you are DARE, understand?

3:46 am  
Blogger theChosenCan said...

ha thanks for the kind words, bro. =) esp coming from a Lit genius like u. :P

2:06 pm  

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