Thursday, April 28, 2005

Singapore's Natural Education (SNE08)

Heya guys. As a guai kia studying for exams, I recently learnt that:

1. Entering the library, in the exam season, is the worst idea you can possibly have. How do I know? I went in yesterday and exited with a souvenir. The flu.

2. With the number of China students around me, I should be thankful I didn't catch the HongKong Flu.

3. More proof the Japs can't spell. Here's a quote from my notes: the Meiji Restauration.

4. Incidentally, Nick told me today that 'Meiji' is the brand name of some foodstuff. HEY, what do you know. *wink* No wonder the misspelling.

5. Did I mention that a certain character called "Lim Peh" recently went for a 40 min tan? It was refreshing, I assure you. =)

6. Unfortunately, no chio bus around. Remember! Never go tanning on Mons!

7. Now u see why someone even coined a song, "Rainy Days And Mondays Always Get Me Down." Obviously. Cannot tan mah!


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