Friday, August 25, 2006

Had this song running in my head a few days liao

I had a bad day, yeah.
She said you would not understand.
She left a note that said I'm
Sorry, I, I had a bad day yeah.

She spilled her coffee broke a shoelace.
and smeared the lipstick on her face.
Slammed the door and said I'm
Sorry, I, I had a bad day again.

and she swears there's nothing wrong
I hear her play that same old song
she puts me up and puts me on, oh woah,

I had a bad day again
(I had a bad day again)
she said you would not understand.
she left a note that said i'm
sorry, I, I had a bad day again.

It wasn't all bad la. More like mixed. But this song kept running in my head. Didn't realise that the parts of the lyrics I had forgotten were actually quite apt....especially the part about "you would not understand".

One cannot heave his heart into his mouth too often, it makes for weaklings and prolonged lickings of wounds. But I need people I can be vulnerable with... People who will understand.


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