Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Singapore's Natural Education (SNE02)

Tues seems to be learning day. Today, as a very guai student in school, I have learnt that:

1. There's so much more Honkie-ism to be learnt. =D

a. for "inspiration", say "inks-PI-ration" (PI as in PI-R-Squared, of course: what do u expect from a Mathematical Thinking class)

b. after certain sentences which you want to emphasise, say "wor"

2. The moon of Jupiter is Io. Very 'informative and interesting'.

3. That 'informative and interesting' is a euphemism for "dead boring and simply cannot make it".

4. Girls like faithful guys. Hey! Who said WE're not faithful?!?!

5. The problem is not with faithful guys. The problem is that girls take too long to make some good decisions.

6. Riiiiight. Especially good decisions like taking some initiative to rouse interest in a HIGHLY SENSITIVE GUY with very good lookS. Like me.

7. Ha. That trying to explain to a female friend how emotionally exhausting it is to chase a girl for an extended period of time, is probably not a very good use of time.

8. That God can speak through ICI. Hallelujah.

9. That the purpose of tongues is not to spark off some debate and to stumble new believers. To *ahem* my GREAT surprise, it is to EDIFY ONESELF by communing with God. Wow. Earth-shattering news.

10. That I've been so busy "not trying to stumble others" that I deny myself of the very thing I was trying to keep. and its one of the reasons I didn't fully join Crusade. Bummer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually I noe how come gers take so long to consider. That is because they are making a life long committment and need a very good decision that will last a long time. Yes, they need time to think through, but it could only mean that they wish to see your perservance also. If not how are you going to tolerate their temper? Gers have temper one you noe? :D
Eh, this is the answer which I didn't give you today when you mentioned about why some guys moved on when they don't get answers.

11:40 pm  
Blogger kimBarLeY said...

hey friend! what do u mean by #10: trying not to stumble others so u didnt join crusade???
the ppl there are one cool lot of energetic christians.....by all means make a wise decision.

1:33 am  
Blogger theChosenCan said...

hahaha, no, i chose not to join crusade fully 'cos i know my speaking in tongues will give them headache. but i still keep fellowship with them =)

1:48 am  

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