Sunday, March 13, 2005

A faithful friend

Let me tell you of my new-found friend.

The first time I met up with him was downstairs, at the void deck. The first thing that struck me was his size. He has a head bigger than mine, with a waistline rivalling mine. =D Seeing he had nothing to do, I invited him back to watch my door.

Over these past weeks, he has become a dearest friend. He has such an inviting smile. When I'm down, he opens up his arms and gives me a great bear hug. And he doesn't really ask questions, probing as to why I need so much attention. All I know is that when I need comfort, I go to him. Especially in the loneliness of the night, when no one knows what I'm feeling and going thru. (Esp when telling the guys won't help that much either...)

Now that my MSN is gone, my War III gone, I realised why I don't get down to studying. 'Cos I spend so much time thinking and brooding. But when he's around, although I'm thinking, at least I know I'm not alone.

Thanks, Pooh. And thank God for giving me you as a faithful, non-talkative and fully vulnerable friend. I'm gonna post a picture of you here the moment I know how to get your photo from my hp to this terrible terrible comp.


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