Tuesday, March 29, 2005

God spoke today. I have hard ears.

I know it sounds very un-manly to say this, but I need a hug. Really. It seems like I'm breaking down more often than I want to.

Today in service, as I was in tears, I sensed myself trying to get a grip on myself and harden myself up. But then I felt the Lord's inviting hand, and it was as if he was saying, "Don't be afraid my child. Don't be afraid to be my child. Let me hold you in my arms. Though no one has given you those arms, nor would you take them if you had them, let me love you and hold you in my arms."

I'm content to let my Father hold me. And I will not harden myself up. Nor will I indulge in my emotions. I hope that my Father will make my weakness my strength, and help me to stay reliant on him.

Today Iz told me that he sensed the Lord telling me that he will definitely fulfil his promise to me, and that I must wait. It's very interesting. I have always been arguing that I have no definite assurance from God, whether for marriage or for singlehood. But incidentally Iz reminded me that God actually had promised it before. That was a bit of a shocker. That I should, in my short-sightedness, forget that (it's known as the 'thunderstorm night' incident). And so, ya, God has a promise to fulfill. And then as I was riding on my bike today, God began to impress on my mind again: Iz has to wait for his chef, and U. Dicky has to wait for his job. 2 YEARS! And having a source of income is a need lor. And if they, having these needs, can wait, how much more should I wait for God to fulfill his promises!

Maybe it's a good thing I feel so broken. Maybe that will allow God to do his mighty things without me taking credit. And maybe that will allow God to further shape me for his good will and pleasure.

Feeling strangely comforted. I will return home to the comfort of my Pooh. ('cos who else would I allow to hug me?)

*I've decided to put a secret addition here, as a blog of my listening to God. It's not secret in the sense that I don't want people to read it, but just secret in the sense that I don't wanna draw attention to it. So it's being added, discreetly, here.*

If we're gonna set up a church, it has to be God's church and not our own. There must be a reason why the church must be there.

Don't build a church for the sake of building one. Don't build a church so that it can stay in the established mold. There must be areas of strength that this church can contribute to the models of others.

So far: I want to disciple a church that's faithful to God and to each other, full of faith and the Word of God. A few things must change:

1) We must not have too big a congregation-leader ratio. Affects the depth of fellowship and the assimilation of the Word.

2) Our sheep must aspire to be like Christ. They must aspire to one day be mentors and examples to their fellow sheep. The cares of daily life must not be used as a justification for a lack of devotion to Christ. Rather, the Lord must take our burdens so that we can take his.

3) A normal Christian is one who loves God and makes God the top priority in life and service, to sacrifice in the capacity of a layman. An extraordinary Christian is one who makes extraordinary sacrifices to achieve the goals God has set him/her to do. The sickly Christian is one who barely can cope. And such people is who we aim to restore to a healthy position.

4) Systematic teaching, while important, must be mixed with spontaneous teaching. Both are impt. Because the spontaneous stays in the person, while the systematic is easily passed down.

5) Teaching involves both doctrinal teaching and teaching the sheep how to interpret the Word.

6) Fellowship and fun is also important within the community. We must not be work-driven and forget that the church is the gang with which we'll be hanging out for eternity.

7) Blind loyalty to the leader is ill-advised. Personal loyalty to a leader who is himself loyal and accountable to God, his word and the sheep is the correct principle to pass down.

8) Blind loyalty to an organisation is ill-advised. Loyalty to a church group, in the context of the universal church is the correct principle to pass down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With reference to your prev. questions, yes i am.. Hm, how did i chance upon your blog, well i was there at Aunty Mercy's house.. so..(guessed u figured it out already..) Well, im in choir and WLight, its a follow up ministry.. yeah, so got lotsa things to do and fufil..
Hope u enjoyed the message, did it speak to u?
Anyway, hm, was reading your entry and found it to be so v touching, reminded me of the time of the calling to Bible College, and my previous ministry back in Bethel..Indeed He is marvellous and just simply indescribable..

Yeah, more on the update , well i'm sorta going to full time, got thru the interview wif Sis Barbra Houger , now i'm left with the application form details.. But one thing worries me, with so many modules, i'm adviced to take, n my ministries, will i be able to serve Him wholeheartedly, and yes, my personal walk wif Him, i hope it would not be hamphered due to these.. Sigh.. do con't to pray 4 me.. thanks so much!

I'll con't to update more when I've the time.
Till then, keep your inspiration going..


5:08 pm  

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