Friday, April 28, 2006

Studying today

Being a good boy and studying today. Ha. Supposed to go badminton with Glenn but in the end cancelled 'cos no court. A bit distracted from my texts: started looking at the different ways pple study. I'm so impressed by the people around me studying. One in particular is so concentrated on her work. V funny--her hair looks like she just got up from sleep and that she needs a hairband. But the focus on the papers is there man. Power.

I shall focus on my text now. Lol. Must finish and not let the disaster that happened for today's paper happen again unnecessarily.

- Limpeh

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ain't no mountain

Don't you know there...

AIN'T no mountain high enough...

Song ringing in my head. Hee.

A good first paper so far...

Didn't have a good sleep, so woke up feeling v v tired. And went thru a jam, reached at 9 a.m. on the dot! So risky.

But otherwise, it was a good paper. Was feeling v sleepy and had problems concentrating...until the last 15 minutes when I suddenly powered up. Ha ha. I think my 2nd essay was v long and unwieldy. Crap.

How much is 300 words in double spaced A4? I think I wrote too little for the first part... :(

2nd essay, on the other hand, I wrote a lot...wrote so much until I got a stiff neck from holding the same pose for 1.5 hrs. LOL.

Thank God no theory qtn came out...*shudder*

Monday, April 24, 2006

Heavenly Father, I appreciate You

         G         C          G           
Heavenly Father, I appreciate You,
G Em Am D7
Heavenly Father, I appreciate You;
G G7 C Cm
I love you, adore you, I bow down before You;
Heavenly Father, I appreciate You.

Son of God, what a wonder You are,
Son of God, what a wonder You are;
You've cleansed my soul from sin,
Sent the Holy Ghost within,
Son of God, what a wonder You are.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ten things I appreciate about my Dearie :)

Ha. Who dares to say that my Dearie isn't good to me? :D

1. She loves me very much. =) And has a lot of kisses and hugs to prove it.
2. She treats me to a lot of good food! Thanks to her I've met great pals like Sakae and Suki Sushi, Cartel, Olio, Pastamania and Subway.
3. She bought me a 2-dimensional huggable Toy Cow so that I wouldn't get lonely. :)
4. She's given me much more cards (than I have given her, I am sorry to say...)
5. She initiates a lot of our dates. A woman with initiative, I like that...
6. She loves the Lord and serves Him with all her might. =)
7. She often offers to help with my company and my school workload. Although most of the time I don't let her do my schoolwork, the thought is always appreciated.
8. She stands by her man no matter what. Pow-der-ful!
9. She's very understanding even when we don't get to meet as often as we'd like to. Plus she'll give me space whenever I need it.

*Drumroll* And number 10...
10. She says that I'm the best she's ever had! Wahahahhaha. *Ego boost*. :D

K la, advertisement over: too bad, I've got the best girlfriend there is. *bleah* Go squirm with envy. :P

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Feeling immensely better

Thanks dear and Glenn, for being especially comforting during the whole of yesterday and today. And thank you Jesus for a lot of comfort as well.

Currently: *busy* working on Lacanian psychoanalysis. Cheem stuff.

Tio meh

Kena scolded yesterday...and honestly I deserved it. I need to get more disciplined and orderly in handling my time liao. Don't want to give pple a bad taste in the mouth.

I'm feeling sad today. Marks are a small thing, but I don't like friendships to sour. Actually, marks can be a big thing too-- it depends on what you're talking about.

Told my dearie about sth today...and she got angry. Not with me...but still, it felt like a scolding. Felt like as if I don't understand pple enough, to know that they would get angry. And I know she'll be reading this and I know what she'll say, but I still feel this: that if I knew she was going to get angry, I wouldn't have told her. (And I know what she's going to say, but I still stand by what I think.) Sue me.

Feeling sad, like real sad. Wanna get this exams and done with, and then leave aside (some) responsibilities for this half of the year.

Wish someone knew how I think. I am reminded-- my Lord. He knows how I think. And I think I need to run to him.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Praise God

Praise God for lots of salvations! Shin got saved, one Indian girl in THCC got saved, and our Easter Children's Club launch had close to 40 children. That's 1.5 times the size of the church! LOL!

Hallelujah. :D

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Today I was in service and was looking at the young ones during communion. Then a thought struck me.

But before I share it with you, let me (like all good teachers) put you in context.

Over these past 4 years, each year has been marked with spiritual stuggles of different kinds. No, not the kind you're thinking -- although there's enough of that kind of struggle: asking God why-why, real life struggles, blah blah blah. Nah, I'm talking about doctrinal struggle.

Every time, there's always new ground in this area that needs to be disputed, struggled against, exposed. Three years ago, it was about baptism and communion. Baptism-- that everyone can baptise, communion: that anyone can conduct it, and that it should be done as often as possible, rather thana dry, sterile, regular ritual that takes place on the 1st week of every month, in a portion that constitutes the partaking of the "Holy Crumb and Blessed Sip".

Sometimes, I think the young ones really don't appreciate our struggle. As in, really. THCC has had its communion every week, because pple like me (and others) supported the idea that we should have it every week. The sharings change every week because we passed the idea to U. Charley that every communion should be elaborated upon, rather than the endless recital of 1 Corinthians and "that's why some of you have fallen asleep" (to the slow in wit, it means they DIED).

Today, however, I saw young ones who've taken it for granted. It's a ritual, to them. Not something we fought for, but something that happens every week, something "no choice", need to take. Albeit it's still the Holy Crumb and Blessed Sip-- but hey, we fought for a better tasting Sip and Crumb. (HA HA).

Dunno. Maybe each generation really needs to relearn EVERYTHING. Somehow, we take for granted lessons we have not learnt, struggles we have not fought. Knowledge, hard-earned by blood, becomes assumed knowledge, then non-knowledge.

That's the thought that struck me. "Maybe, all our advancement in theology and in being so regimental and idealistic about the truth: maybe we will come to some achievement. But will it last?" For me, as a teacher, I dunno-- I'm not disheartened, but certainly disconcerted. Somehow, someway, there must be a way to pass everything down. After all, that's the hope of a teacher isn't it? To pass it all down so that others can build on it? And to leave a stable foundation so that things can be built on it (so that it won't get torn down, yet again, like in our case?)

Pple like me had to reevaluate everything that was taught, from Sunday school all the way till Youth. Lots of things had to be thrown out of the window, not 'cos they were wrong, but b'cos they weren't really RIGHT. And that's the way I suppose it's supposed to be. We need to know our Word: not so that we detect the wrong, but so that we can formulate what is right.

Hard, hard. Argh. I shall stop here so that Nick, who's sitting beside me, can play his LAN on Zion. (Not to mention I wanna play too lol). *hint hint*

Friday, April 14, 2006

If this keeps up

If this keeps up, we might need to change this blog
Into a crying one. For often I am locked
By self-shaped shackles into times
Of reflection on this wintry clime.
There will be strange thunder;
Horrid sense of wonder
Placed in here.

Some fear
my dear

Are dear.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

As usual, my Lord is good! Easter celebration update.

Ha, I wanna thank my dear Father for tonight. Man, it was real real good.

1. Thank you Father for answered prayers. Had 2 friends turn up, which was real good.
2. Thank you Father for our outreach--a record attendance of 10 (and got +1 or +2)! Hallelujah!
3. Thank you Father for speaking through me! Truly it was a fulfillment of "do not be afriad of what you need to say...for it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you".
4. Thank you Father for your comfort after the whole thing was over. Felt very encouraged and loved by you.
5. Thank you Father because I know you're gonna take care of the upcoming exams and for me giving me great friends that I chit chat to!
6. And thank you Father for great pals in the Outreach who love you and do their utmost for you! It's a great great encouragement!

Ah, one thing to note: next time technical problems must really really tie up. Actually, I kinda get the feeling that all the trouble is partly spiritual warfare... (no, I'm not being hocus pocus here) Honestly, every time we want to do something for God, the enemy just comes and plays pranks, but thank God people are always convicted by the Good News of Christ :D

Wahahahhaa. Sleepy, but in Meihu's place now. HA HA HA. Nah, not his fault. It's I keeping him up. LOL!

We (Meihu and I) fellowshipped with Gor, Maine, Rex, Josh just now. I think the place rocks if I went there alone, but a group of 6, far too noisy. Cannot have meaningful fellowship w/o shouting at the top of my lungs. Quite crappy lah.

Also, mental note: next time I fellowship wif those guys, I better bring some games/cards along. It doesn't take long before we're all sitting down there admiring each other's pretty faces, saying absolutely nothin. :P

Ha ha, recalling cybercell: quite farnie. Meihu as ldr, Gor as assistant. Meihu INSISTS I'm the assistant. He's WRONG! I am not. LOL. Hahahaha. Not popular enough (thankfully! hahahahha) so that I could sit in as a normal member. Hee hee hee hee hee. And Meihu is still asking why he was voted in as leader. I had a very very good feeling about it at that time though.

Honestly, things have progressed so far I'm not sure we will ever reconvene Cybercell. But never mind la, good memories abound. Nowadays so busy, even if want to reconvene also very hard la. Summore, I'm considered overcommitted!--with THCC, Outreach, and all the cheplang ministries I do here n there...

Right now, all I ask of my Lord:
1. Financial stability + good results
2. Youth ministry: to stablise so that we can continue to pour out more into the youth.
3. Outreach: for greater growth in the lives of the members. I hope to c them as spiritual leaders soon!
4. New impt giftings. Lord, you know.
5. New encouragers in my life. I need good listeners and good sparrers.

Bwahahah. So much things to say tonight. That's 'cos I'm hyper, it's close to 5 a.m., and about time to go prata breakfast with Meihu. :D

my true colour

Take this test at Tickle

Your true color is Green!

What's Your True Color?

Brought to you by Tickle

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Song of Solomon

THIS IS WAY KEWL!! the very first Protestant (i.e. non-Vulgate) Bible in the world, done by the Rev Martin Luther. Take note of the date--1545; and guess what, as a German translation, it's even more vivid and contemporary than the NIV is in English. i.e. It's like owning an NIV in 1545 when the English speaking world was/IS still stuck in "thee"s, "thou"s, and extra verses (for more than 400 years since then, I must add; ok, fine, I bet Luther's translation had the extra verses too....*grumble grumble*). Nonetheless, kudos to Luther! You rock! Posted by Picasa

More signposts for me to take note of

1. THCC= to learn submission. Work with, not against, Uncle Charley.
2. Where we've advanced-- Glenn: teaching on giving. Me: teaching on baptism.
3. Need to think about leadership development. i.e. Need someone to conduct CE, need developmental path, mentoring.
4. Need pastoral and encouragement giftings.
5. Regimental lifestyle = v good. :D
6. The key thing: to say "No" to the things you like doing the most.

Notes for myself

Those not involved, ignore this heh.

1. Grand developmental plan for a Christian.
2. Take ministry to learn. Then take a core ministry when you've learnt enuff.
3. Give yourself 2 days for being a "normal" Christian.
4. Give yourself 3-4 days for being in a core ministry.
5. Also, think about Bible school.
6. 3 specifics 6 mths.

I think that should do it. :D

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Me Love LanguageZ

Ha. I got this from Jan's bloG. Even I've changed *wink*. Enjoy!

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Physical Touch
with a secondary love language being
Quality Time.

Complete set of results

Physical Touch:
Quality Time:
Acts of Service:
Words of Affirmation:
Receiving Gifts:


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz