Friday, June 30, 2006

Been real busy

To all my friends:

1. Pls pray for my business and ministries. The business has lots of stuff to do, but very little time given to me to do it. And a lot of things I'm not very confident of doing.... :(

2. We're embarking on Proj Y again! YAY! Pray that we'll have another harvest of souls. Looking forward to another exciting season.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Me Jean, You Tarzan?

You scored as Jean Grey. Jean Grey is likely the most powerful X-Man. She loves Cyclops very much but she has a soft spot for Wolverine. She's psychic so she can sense how others are feeling and tries to help them. She also has to control her amazing powers or the malevolent Phoenix entity could take control of her and wreak havok. Powers: Telekinetic, Telepathic

Jean Grey




















Emma Frost


Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with

Saturday, June 10, 2006

As the Lee and Lee family have demonstrated...

...defamation is a very SERIOUS offence.

To *ahem* a particular someone who has defamed me by suggesting -indirectly- that I am some hua xin ren who has some other sweetheart tucked in my heart and that I regret being with my current sweetie,


'Cos my heart belongs to my Dearie and my Dearie alone. :D

Welcome to "Survivor: Singapore"

Yes, that's how I felt just before service started today. Felt a terrible spiritual heaviness I knew not what. Felt so weak I thought I couldn't song lead.

So spent time in prayer, and realised that we were battling spiritual forces. So I whacked them in the name of Jesus. Felt a tremendous freedom after that.

Song leading was good, but felt directionless until Pastor took over. Ya. I was glad he took over. I felt like I was in a hazy room, with no clear direction.

Felt very strengthened by watching Edmund Chan's msg today during service. Just felt like bursting out and just crying out to the Lord. But didn't want to make a scene (is it a good thing? bad?). But I just felt like crying out to the Lord. Take it all....take my business, my life, my relationships, my ministry, my churches...just take it all. 100%.

Just reached home after comforting my dear. And read through my journals. Wooooohoooo. I feel so strengthened after reading it. And yes, it definitely gave me the thought that I want more and more ministry from others. So I'm gonna seek it, not on a regular basis, but whenever there are new people in town, I definitely want to benefit from their ministry. 'Cos one of the reasons why the ministry was so dynamic in Cebu was 'cos I had benefited from Bro Kubus ministry in COOS at that time. The man had laid hands on me for 2 seconds....but it was enough for me to know that it's not the man, it's Jesus, and this is how the Master feels like. And I think one can't get enough of such touches from God. Felt so strengthened with a new strength (hate repeating words but no choice) at that time. And I think my memory is short, you know, after a while I forget that it was 'cos someone ministered to me in the first place. So I need people to minister to me.

So guys, if you're reading this and you know some good ministers are in town, page me ya? Many thanks in advance.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Back in Singapore....

A few thoughts after spending my 2nd night in Singapore:

1) Welcome back to such a boring place :P

2) I miss the students. Esp their fellowship and their laughter. Sometimes boring after a while, but was chao fun.

3) Miss the crying of the 2 kids...each taking turns to wail and driving their parents up the wall.

4) Miss my hotdogs.

5) Miss the 2 good friends I made there: Judy Ann and Boyet. Miss the long chit-chats.

6) At least...I've come back to my Dearie and the churches I missed here! :D

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Continuation of the journals

Day 6: Saturday
Time: Morning to Evening
Place: Olango

Took a boat to a nearby island from Lapu-lapu called Olango, where Faith has one of its pioneering churches. The local pastor came to fetch me on his motorbike. On Wed, I had been talking to the local pastor after the pastor's conference and he had been telling me how hard the ground was in Olango. Intense persecution, with many ministers giving up. Even Pastor Brian (his name) wanted to give up a lot of times. Only recently had he been enjoying some very fruitful conversions.

I didn't expect any ministry, thinking instead there would be a tour of the church and then I'd be given some time to rest and pray. I was wrong. The moment I touched down on the church I was promptly informed that there were Bible study groups waiting for me. I asked how many, and they said 2.

I was shocked. I didn't prepare, but what's worse, I didn't even bring my Bible! I asked quickly to borrow an NIV. As the pastor was sharing to me, I felt the Lord speak: do not worry what you will answer in your defense, for it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. So I prompty took the NIV, and felt the Lord say something about signs of the age. So I flipped till I came to Mark 13. Then I felt the Master impress something on me. So I decided I'd just obey. The total preparation time for that sermon? 2 minutes.

So in faith I went. We went to the first home, realised that everyone was gone, so we went to the 2nd home (or so I thought). I didn't know it was a children's church meeting! I had 15 seconds to come up with a Bible story to teach. So I taught on Gideon. Nothing much, just really cute talking to the children and telling them a story.

So we progressed to the next house. It was a sister named "OT" (that's how they pronounce it...don't know if it's really spelt that way). A eight month old Christian with a fire and a thick skin that would put all of us to shame, she was there with her daughters, father and mother, and a sister. So I shared what the Master impressed on me. That:

1) Brother will betray brother and kids their parents, but he who stands true to the end will be saved;
2) That the Son of Man will come in the clouds with power and glory. He will send his angels to collect you and me (I substituted "the elect" with "you and me"), and we will be with him forever.

So since we have this hope, we should press on and not give up.

God was good. The message was well received, and as a result, we were given entry into another three homes, for me to preach the exact same message. As a result, the whole household of "OT" heard the Word of the Lord. That's around the size of a village! (Their relatives spread throughout until they filled a whole village)

Something about the island: immense persecution from Devout Roman Catholics. To make things worse, the RCC has control over the cemetary and denied its usage to anyone who was "born again". The threat was very effective-- people denied entrance to the evangelists who travelled around the villages 'cos they didn't want to be expelled from the cemetary. No chance to even preach or follow up!

Back to the visits. So we went to another home. I didn't know that this home was laden with trouble. Three groups were there. 1) The oldie Christian family: first batch of Christians who had been Christians for 10 years now. But very weak in the faith, and almost wanted to backslide! 2) The slightly more stable family: with a kid trained in Bible school to be a Pastor. But this pastor was actually one who was kicked out. Disciplined for (unrepentant) immorality. The guy refused to confess until he was confronted with all the evidence left right centre. So expelled. 3) Another Bible school student with his future wife. Also has problems with immorality.

Needless to say, I had no idea of this when I went there. All I knew was-- I needed to minister. But while I was preaching I felt no flow. So I decided to just ask if there's anything I can pray for them. So they said their requests. And actually I was very shocked because the first request that came out was a request to pray for the old couple 'cos they wanted to backslide permanently! Talk about a prayer request! Then there was that (immoral expelled) pastor who wanted healing for his brother. Then some girl (the one bethrothed to the Bible school student) who wanted prayer for finance for wedding.

So I prayed for the old couple. As I did the Master spoke through me, and I began to cry in the Spirit. I just cried and cried and cried. And the Lord did something. For once I saw the old couple open their hearts and weep. That was good. Then I decided to take a step of faith. There was that (now defunct) pastor's father who was deaf in both ears. So I decided to do what Jesus would have done. I lay my hands on his ears and prayed. Nothing happened. So I prayed for the woman who was about to be married. Realised she was not filled with the Spirit and so prayed. Felt the anointing. Yet nothing happened.

But after I prayed for the sister, I felt a tremendous faith within me. I looked back at the deaf man once again. I felt a kind of holy irritation at seeing him not healed. So I announced loudly, I'm gonna pray for this man one more time! so I went back, and prayed for him. Something confirmed with me in my spirit that something was right. So I left it as that and went on.

Prayed for the Bible school student for direction but had no flow. (I now understand why.) But I asked the Spirit to glorify his name. And he did. He hit me with a mighty dose of power and I began laughing my head off. By this time there were bystanders coming from the village. I laughed even louder upon seeing them. And I told the Master, this is good, dear Master, you're getting free advertisement! And there was such a change in the atmosphere from there. There was a sense of the fear of God over that room. So I prophesied over the man.

Once Pastor Brian sensed that the Spirit of God was in that room, boy was he in a hurry to get me to lay hands on everyone! So we did. We prayed for the deaf man's wife, almost anyone we could get our hands on. And after all the minstry was over, then Pastor Brian began to explain what had happened in that room. As it turned out, it was the first time they had seen a manifestation of the Spirit. They began to ask what was weeping and laughing in the Spirit.

But I saw less in that place than everywhere else, although I felt more than I did everywhere else. It was a hard ground. And I feel deeply for the pastors. Anyone in that environment too long might wilt. But these guys did not. They hung purely by believing God's promises to them.

It was no wonder they needed rest: that was what I was led to pray for them on the Pastor's Conference. But after experiencing one day of what they had for 8 yrs, I concluded that these guys were giants already. I don't need to tell them rest in the way that I needed to tell the rest. I needed to tell them continued faith. And they agreed, with even more faith than I had. Hallelujah! That's way beyond anything they learnt in Bible school.

I was very challenged. I told the villagers, I'll be back to visit you. And I want to. I want to visit them next year, find out they're still walking with the Lord, encourage them if they're down, and have a mighty move of God. Each time I come I want to strengthen the pastors. Ohhh! God, send more of your workers! Especially to the hard and unfruitful grounds! Raise up a powerful army of ministers who will take these areas by storm. Who will go on and never give up, just as Pastor Brian has.

And an interesting sidenote: I realised that the Pastora (female pastor) there was filled with the Spirit as a result of City Harvest's initial trainings of their leaders in the Philippines!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Continuation of what happened in ministry so far

Before I go on, I just wanna say: Dear, I got your msgs, and I miss you. Sorry for not being able to text you, no load. :P But I miss you and I love you. =)

Day 3: Wed
Time: Night
Event: Smokey mountain

Well, I spent the afternoon thinking what to prepare for sharing at Smokey. It was, yes you guessed it, a free topic. Free topics are really so stressful. Anyway, I thought and prayed, and upon realising that the Bible study sessions were usually topical sessions, the thought popped into my head that I should share on Acts 2. But I brushed it away, thinking ahhh, I bet the people here are ALL filled with the Spirit. So I brushed it aside as one of my cheap sermons and instead worked on "The Servant Song" (Isaiah).

The Bible study was to be at 8, but we arrived early at 7. Took motorbike there. Without helmet. Wah I really prayed that nothing would happen man. Reached there early, so settled down at the local pastors' place first.

Talked to them. They told me that they had a request -- on Sun they had just preached on the H.S., and preached so long they had no time for ministry. So they wanted me to do the ministry! I was amazed. I took it as a confirmation of the leading of the Spirit that afternoon, trashed my sermon, and decided to do it on Acts 2 (didn't prepare much for it, but will just follow the leading of the Spirit).

Wow. It was an unexpectedly long time of sharing. We talked about the Holy Spirit as God, and talked even longer as to how to receive the Holy Spirit. I'm amazed. a lot of my doctrine of the Holy Spirit got tied up nicely during the whole sharing. the H.S., through my lips, explained to me the significance of my personal experience with the H.S. In a nutshell, it is this: if I took 7 years from the time I desired the Spirit till the time I experienced him fully, then it means this: anyone and everyone will receive the Spirit. It doesn't matter how long it takes, He will be given to you. And in the same way you pray for your loved ones to be saved, you do not pray once and give up, you do not pray and worse still doubt, but you pray and pray and pray, and when that guy gets saved, you say Thank you Jesus. So in the same way, you pray for the Spirit, you wait on Him, and you pray and you pray, until you receive him, and then you say "Thank you Jesus". You never doubt him, never doubt his promise, never doubt his work, and always know that you will be filled.

So by the time we started to minister, God asked me to do something out of my usual practice. We usually would sing a slow song to minister. But God wanted me to show that he is God, and that he's not limited by our style and ways of doing things. So I told them to lead the celebration by singing "For all you've done". And to celebrate before eating the buffet of the Spirit. So we sang and had such a joyous great time.

Then we prayed. Prayed for a livewire and she went down under the power. No space to go down under the power. She hit head. Haha. But God just ministered to her. She's fine. Told her to just sit cross-legged and that it's ok. Then prayed for a few more people. Hit a few open circuits.

The Master disciplined me that night. You see, I had had such a great ministry in the morning. I was getting a bit ya-ya-papaya. I acted as if I had control. Nah. He had control. He wants to move, he moves. No one stops him. So I began to realise, that I was trying to fulfil God's word my style. So surrendered to the Lord. Felt a stillness overcome the room. Felt the presence and power of God fill the place. And so I told the people, I have no doubt at all that the Spirit will touch all of them. I have no shadow of a doubt, said I. The Master will do it because he is good. Not because of me. So I asked them to line up and just "automatic" come in and take my hands after I've prayed for each person.

Prayed for another livewire. She went down under the power. So I prayed for her more that her experience with H.S. will go to the next level. She began weeping. Just allowed the Spirit to flood my heart. It flooded and flooded and with each wave, she got the wave too. Wept louder and louder. I was feeling the wave too. It flooded my heart. Flooded more and more. Flooded more and more. And each time her grip was getting heavier. 'Cos she felt Him too. Then suddenly out of the blue I was overcome by the Spirit. Began laughing loudly and just flowing in his river. I felt swept away by him and was just bursting with joy. The wave swept my sister too. She began weeping loudly before the Lord and loudly, openly, confessing her sins. Wow. Such a mighty move of God.

The sister would not let me go 'cos she had experienced the Lord and her hand was locked on mine. so I decided to continue ministering, with one hand. =P Next in line came a brother. I lay one hand on him. I felt such a flow in the Spirit, the kind that comes by faith. I prophesied on him, "This man has faith". There was a burst in my spirit everytime I said that. The man felt the power of the Lord. He was about to fall but didn't 'cos he knew no one would catch him and he knew that there was not enough space. No matter. He felt the Lord. So I looked at him square in the eye, full of the Spirit, and asked him, "brother, you speak in tongues?" He said no. Then I nodded and asked him, "brother, but you feel the Spirit?" And he said, "Yes I do." He said it so full of conviction in his heart. And then I told him, yes, that is the Master. You have felt the Master. And if you continue to plug into him, it is just a matter of time that you will speak in tongues.

That was two livewires in a row. A livewire of sensitvity, and a livewire of faith. I felt my faith so strengthened just by touching that man. There was not enough time, Pastor alerted me. So I prayed a general prayer. And I acknowledged that the Master had demonstrated his sovereignty and his glory in that place. No one tells him what to do. But he will fill his people because he is God, he has always been powerful, he never changes, and because he wants to fill his people with power. And thanked him for being there that evening and touching his people. And thanking him for his joy.

After dismissing the people, I prayed for a sister who fears the supernatural things of God. She reminds me of the faithful back home. And so I told her I was going to pray for her. But I told her I'm not going to pray for you to receive the Spirit, so you don't need to cross your hands, said I. Laughed. Prayed for her for every spiritual blessing in Christ. Prayed for no more doubt, no more fear, because our God is a good God. Knew she loved the Lord and would do all to please Him. And so prayed that in his time, He woukld touch her and she would exp how good he is.

a Bible school student who was in Smokey talked to me. Told me that as we were praying, he saw a vision in which the heavens were opened, and the H.S. came from heaven like a dove and flew around us. I was amazed. I never have had such an exp before! And backed up by the moving of God in our midst!

Went back to Pastor Boy's home. Told him about my discipline from the H.S. Apologised for not clearing theology with him: he is the local minister, the one the Lord has set in authority over the sheep, and even I as a travelling minister must submit to him. Apologised if I ever was ya-ya-papaya. Showed him my theology on the H.Ghost: that prophecy is more admissable as evidence of the Spirit than even tongues. Showed him that I knew H.Ghost as God: God who is sovereign, who has the right to rule and who will never be ruled by anyone. And so we need not do the monkey, we need not be stressed, we need not do judo. We just submit to him, let him have his way, and flow with him. All in peace, calm, non-stress, and restful.

Good time. Brought back the Bible school student from Smokey. couldn't sleep that night -- because I knew it was a new level of anointing.


There's a level of the moving of the Spirit that can only be felt in missions. Because Jesus gave two commands: "come" to the unbeliever, and "go" to the believer. Every time we go, consciously or not, the H.S. is there to back up his word. I went on a business cum mission trip, but the H.S. is giving me more than I opted for. If we will go, we will exp things of God we will not exp at home. Also, the discipline of the Lord is good. For he is treating me as a son. As someone worth correcting. Amen. Praise God.

Day 4: Thur
Time: Morning and night
Event: Teaching in the Bible school

Covered syllabus on Hermeneutics and John. Had to teach the Smokey student extra 'cos he really can't understand English. So basically spent most of the day covering syllabus. Quite tired 'cos I didn't have a good sleep the previous night. But God was always good. We finished the syllabus on time.

So when we had finished I asked the students to just worship the Lord. The Lord moved. It was so good. I didn't imagine that something so spontaneous, that H.S. would just want to move. As I laid my hands I exp what it's like to have the H.S. do the leading. I just sit there, hold their hand, and feel the power of God. Then they exp it too. And then we had a great time together.

Tonight, we went further than anywhere I had ever gone before. It took some guts, but I just trusted the Lord's goodness. After praying for a few people, I took the chance to instruct the people about the H.S. To look towards him than to man. To reach out because he will touch you.
Then I asked the students who were (still) conscious to come and observe the way I ministered. It was a bold step of faith. I'm glad I took it. The Lord moved, touched the person I'm praying for and touched me, students observed and learnt about the anointing. After a few observations, I asked them to try it out. To lay hands on me, and pray for me as if I am the person they are ministering to. That was bold too. U know what? Every time they lay their hands on me, I was keenly aware of the presence of the Lord in their lives. The level of their anointing. And I was amazed too. For there were many who were nervous. Just like us. Not sure if the Lord would do something. But when they relaxed, and just soaked in the Lord, boy were they a live wire for me! I was just enjoying, thoroughly bathing in the presnece and power of God. Laughing sometimes, shaking sometimes, each time enjoying the presence of God that flows from them. There were a few open circuits, but it all became closed when they themselves felt the Lord. So important to feel the Lord! So important to have the Master's touch! So important just to release and let Him!

This brother prayed for me. Two stand up in my mind. The first who "experimented" on me. He started praying. The H.Ghost fell on me in amazing power, struck me and struck him at the same time. He went out under the power! I was left to enjoy myself in the presence of God just laughing and enjoying him. He stayed under the power for the next 1/2 hour just rolling around, praising God, enjoying the presence of God, sat up, lied down, woah: all kinds of things. Power man. Now that is one man so open to the things of God. He didn't need any appraisal. That anointing was his appraisal. The last one that prayed for me also stands up in my mind. He is a retired military man, older than my father. He laid his hands. He too was nervous. But he had a powerful anointing. I was sitting down, in one of those lecture chairs that has a writing tablet. the Holy Ghost struck me from the inside out 2 seconds after he laid his hands on me, I was lifted up from the chair, struck down on the floor, laughing my guts away and already out under the power. The man didn't know what else to do LOL. So he just continued until the power lifted. So I sat up, gave him an appraisal as to what to do when someone goes out under the power. talked to him and realised he had a gift for the discernment of spirits but had not exercised that for a long time! Wow! I told him: the next time I go into a new area: I'm gonna bring him along. Joked that his church had all the demons cast out, so no more need for discernment. Need to go somewhere where all the demons are. Then you got a lot of chance to discern!

So I told him to continue to ask for more giftings. Particularly prophesy. then when someone goes down under the power, you can just listen to the Spirit and flow with him as to what to do for the person.

Gave a debrief. Heh. First time I'm able to demonstrate and debrief. then again, not me. Because the H.S. decided to move, that's why we had a debriefing to do. Hehe. Glory be to the Lord God! Who is, who was, who is to come. Holy Holy Holy.
-blog in progress-

WOW! Look what the Lord has done

Ohhh Look what the Lord has done
Woohooo Look what the Lord has done
He healed my body
He touched my mind
He SAVED ME! Just in time!

Ohhhh I'm gonna praise his name
He stays just the same
Come on and praise Him
Look what the Looo-ord has donE.

I determined today that I was going to update my blog and so I'm gonna do it. Heh. There's so much to update and so much to thank God for, so I'm gonna start with the ministry first. It's gonna be day by day, and then after narrating everything I shall sum it up with my reflections.

Day 1- Sun
Time: Night
Occasion: Youth Cell Grp

This day was stressful. Got the invitation to preach for the youth cell grp at 3 p.m. For your info, youth cell grp was to be at 7.30 p.m. Ha. I had 4 hours to cook up a sermon, and worse still, I was not alone, being surrounded by pastors who were entertaining me and talking with me. I wondered what I was going to preach on. Tried to get Ps Grace and Ps Noel to give me some kind of hint as to what they want me to preach. As usual, they gave the most considerate answer: "Anything." Now I realise how stressful it is to have a free topic heh.

So when finally we met up wif Ps Noel and he fetched us to the missionary HQ, it was 5 something, close to 6. We had dinner. So effectively, I had 0.5 hr to prepare for a sermon for youth cell, and I dunno the youth, I dunno what syllabus they're using, everything's a don't understand.

I only understand one thing: that God will be God whether who I am. Whether I've prayed or not, fasted or not, drafted sermons or not, he will always be God, the most powerful, the one who wants to bless his people.

So I exercised faith in him and went to prepare the sermon. Got some leading to do Peter's sermon, so I did the one on "a chosen people, a holy priesthood". My thoughts were still disorganised, but I sensed myself going into a panic and so I stopped myself from overpreparing. And just rested in God and trusted God.

So bathe la. Then went downstairs with Jan. Was still thinking on how to organise the sermon. And above all, how to make it relevant and not boring. (So fearful that I'll be boring the youths, just like I feel I do when I'm in S'pore). They were practising for worship, I was praying and organising my thoughts.

Then Jan got the sudden arrow. The sudden arrow to lead icebreakers. Thank God, she has caught on the mission motto: "Just say yes". Always be a yes person to any ministry, plan or unplanned. And I'm very proud of her that she took it. And you know what, she led, and the youths THOROUGHLY enjoyed her game. I'm simply amazed.

Meanwhile, got my ideas together. Sermon on 1) Priest = one who offers sacrifices, and Peter says that you are all priests who offer sacrifices "pleasing to God". 2) A people belonging to God= a special people. Not worthless, not a mistake. Instead, we have the value of Jesus Christ, since God paid Christ for us. 3) Priest = rep of God to pple, rep of pple to God. Significance for us as NT priests.

And I was amazed that I actually managed to get my ideas across. Somewhat. It was a bit too long and I felt some were getting bored. But some were really receiving and I could feel that kind of connection.

Offered a time of prayer for any needs. That's when I remembered what the Lord had told me: to always operate in the realm of the supernatural, never in the realm of the natural, whether its teaching, worship, preaching, laying on of hands, everything. Every spiritual ministry must be spiritual: done in the realm of the Spirit and not just in the realm of the natural.

Prayed for 1st one and forgot what the Lord had told me. About to pray for 2nd one and God reminded me. So I just whispered to the Lord the exact thing I said in the prev paragraph. God did something. It was more than a prayer, it was a spiritual flow.

Day 2: Tue
Time of Day: Morning
Event: Teaching Bible School

Prepared to teach the students a hermeneutical application of John. Met students for the first time. Got such a beaming introduction from Ps Grace I didn't know what to do. Haha. Remembered what the Lord had reminded me yesterday. Not the realm of the natural, but the realm of the supernatural. So resolved not to do anything until I gave the Spirit credit. Briefly introduced myself, then asked for a time of worship. I thank God that among the Bible school students they are not timid. There's the kind that would be completely blur and taken by surprise when not prepared to lead in worship. They're not this kind. I asked a student (named Sherwin) to take the guitar, he takes and just spontaneously leads in worship. I thank God for such guts. And I hope there's readers reading this who will choose to have the same kind of guts. =)

So they led in worship. I just wanted to rest and wait in the Lord. Don't wanna minister out of tension, unrest, human ability and brilliance. Made mistake before, don't wanna repeat. No, if teaching is truly a spiritual ministry, and not just a matter of skills picked up at bible school, then there must be a spiritual dimension to the application of hermeneutics. It's not just a mental exercise. It's a spiritual exercise. And I don't wanna do anything in the natural. So they sang power of your love, and I was just waiting on the Lord. They sang, they loved the Lord, and I was just waiting on the Lord and being refreshed by Him. Then I just felt, time to put this theory into action. So I prayed. Reminded the Spirit of God that I think of Him as Master. He must have his way in the classroom. He must lead us into all truth. Reminded him that I'm just flesh and blood. Reminded Him that we didn't want anything in the flesh, but we want the things of the Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.

As the students sat, I reminded them of where this is going. All ministry must be spiritual. All ministry must have the Spirit of God. And reminded them that we want the Spirit of God here and we welcome Him. We will not put him into a theological box, we will let him have his way. We will not stick strictly to syllabus, we will go along with the syllabus, but remain very sensitive if he wants us to change.

Taught on John, and principles of hermeneutics. And God gave me grace. I was able to teach almost all the principles. And I was surprised that far from normal, I was able to give good illustrations for all the things I was teaching! I think it only happens when I'm on missions. Maybe I assume Singaporeans are too smart, and are able to digest stuff without illustrations. Haha.

There are a few pastors currently in the Bible school. Praise God. They were really convicted by what I was teaching. I praise God for that. And they were very hungry and earnest as to how they can improve themselves and their knowledge of the Word. Praise God: our perspective has some truth: that if only our Christian brothers and sisters were taught right, they would consciously choose to avoid hermeneutical errors in interpreting the Word. I say some truth: because it is those who chose to be devastatingly honest. And it also had special relevance to those who had tried preaching before. Those who had never preached had never made such an error, so they took it more for granted.

Hmm, spent the afternoon sleeping. Then at the night, it was a brownout! (their term for blackout) So no choice la, got to fellowship with them instead of teaching them guitar (LOL!). For the students, it was no choice la, have to fellowship instead of compulsory study time. Praise God!! The compulsory study time was supposed to be 7-9. The brownout ended at 9. So ok la, it's 9 p.m., and thus it's the time for FELLOWSHIP. :D We fellowshipped till 10. Wahahhaa.

Spent the night panicking a bit of what to preach to the pastors as the pastors conference. Wah, I've done big stuff, but the next day was going to be one of the highest levels I have ever addressed. It's like addressing a denomination. Wrong. It IS addressing a denomination. Shudder.

Day 3: Wed
Time of day: Morning
Event: Pastors Conference(!!!!)

Went one hour beforehand, waited on the Lord and prayed. Roughly outlined how the message was going to be, 'cos same thing: don't want to overprepare. Enjoyed the praise and worship. Tried to tell myself to rest in God. Then stopped trying--and rested in God. No fear, no tension, no stress. Stress won't get people healed, won't get people set free, won't achieve anything. Only God does. so just trusted his grace and his goodness.

So went to preach. Preached on Vine and Branches.
i) Most impt task for any pastor is to be a good Christian.
ii) Being good Christian = abide in Jesus
iii) Abide in Jesus = drawing nourishment from Him
iv) result of abiding in Jesus = fruit, then much fruit.
v) Result of much fruit = great glory to the Father

Gave altar call for any pastor who wanted the life of Christ in their lives. Much to my amazement: almost all the pastors responded. In fact, first to respond: Ps Grace. Wah lao. I see it as an honour. It's as if the bishop of the denomination just responded to my altar call. Yet not my altar call, but his. After all, only he has anything to offer. I was just the tour guide.

Spent more than an hour on altar call. Never felt the Lord use me this way before. Wow. It was such a blessing. There was all kinds of styles. There were times the Spirit bade me be noisy. There were times the Spirit bade me be simple. There were times the Spirit asked me just to worship him and acknowledge him. Actually, asked is the wrong word. The Spirit just led and I just followed.

Wow. It was so so wonderful you know. And I was glad to be such a blessing to Ps Grace. That God used me to touch her, that she just felt refreshed because of God: all that is a blessing.

Had pastors coming after the service to shake my hand and to tell me how blessed they were by my ministry. Felt so humbled. Nothing I did. all just following the Spirit's prompting.

My personal favourite though: was for one young lady: bible school student. She asked for a greater anointing on her life. I was stunned. So I just lifted my hands and hers. And just waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. And waited...then something stirred. So just let it stir. Allow it to stir. Just move with it. Just let it stir. Then it stirred more. Then I knew the Spirit was there. So let it stir. Let it stir more. Started a slight dance. Poor girl. Her hands were on mine ('cos I was praying for her) and there I was doing a slight dance, it was as if she was my dance partner. Haha. But don't want to resist the Spirit, so continued to dance. And the stirring got more. And then it got more. And then I started singing the blues. Sang the blues in the Spirit. Just enjoyed it like I never enjoyed it before. Jus sang and sang and the dancing got more. The young lady starts crying in the Spirit. And we just sang, we just felt the release, there's such a moving of the Spirit, there's an increase, and more, and more, and more. Then I felt so full, and then so I decided that God's God, and I didn't do anything, glory to God, so I'm just gonna end here and let God be God. And so I said: So Lord, just help my sister and her family (her 2nd half of her prayer request). Ya. No need to pray for anointing. God answered already. :P

Boy that was a favourite. I ended the time just felt so full, not dry, not exhausted, full of the Spirit and joy, shaked the pastors' hands, I was still me, still bumming around as if nothing had happened, still shaking hands with everyone, just being me, God just moved and did his awesome thing, but guess what, I'm still me, know y? 'Cos his Holy Spirit has never left. I never needed to put on any act to get him to show up. He was just going to show up. 'Cos he's a good God, and he always blesses his people.

My all-time favourite is the next incident. But a bit tired now. Continue tomorrow.

-narration in progress-