Thursday, March 31, 2005

There's FIRE in the house (995 Part III)

Today is a day in which God once again was the star of the show.

Upon reaching school, these were my obstacles of the day:

1) Unfinished Jap proj
2) Maths test tomorrow (which I had not yet started)

Then, at 5 p.m., I got a shock of my life. I realised I had a drama to perform! And it's not like some skit...we've got to use props, actions, everything. and that if the standard was not up to par, my teacher would give us a tongue-lashing.

So what do you do when you're caught in such a huge storm? I cried out a fervent plea to the Lord. Just 10 seconds before acting, I must add.

The title of the prayer, the prayer, and the plea were summed up in one word. "HELP!!!!!!!!!!"

And so help he did. In fact, I'm still shocked. Basically, we went there, set up the stage impromptu, said the lines for the very first time, no rehearsal, no nothing...and God just made everything flow so naturally. I'm convinced God didn't just help me. He helped my whole group. In fact, I had to act 2 scenes (out of a total of 4), and yet in all the scenes the teacher had nothing but praises for us.

As if that were not enough, the later groups were judged by our standard. As in, the teacher would compare them to us and say, "You should be like their group blah blah blah blah...(can't rem exactly what he said)", whether it had to do with understanding the character, or being natural, or whatever.

And I'm just sitting there, hearing all of this, awestruck. It's amazing what God can do. I felt like Jehoshaphat when God just whacked his enemy upside down for him w/o him lifting a finger. Felt exactly like that. Just awed. Just amazed. Puzzled, even. Felt like saying "Wha...??"

God is my refuge. And I'd say this. I personally felt that the Lord gave that extra mercy and grace, because I took care of the Lord's business and made it a priority even though I was so short of time (outreach, Alpha weekend, Easter svc, the midst of 4 projects flying around). It was the LORD reminding me that if I take care of his business, he will take care of mine.

Felt very very humbled also. That I should get what I didn't deserve. And that, reminds the Lord, is the nature of grace. That we enjoy what we didn't deserve. Depending on God means that God provides what ordinarily should not have been there.

"I lay my life down at your feet
'Cos you're the only one I need
I turn to you and you are always there...."


Quote of the Day

Man must learn to be content whatever the circumstances.

-- Dan

Singapore's Natural Education (SNE06)

Today, waking up at 9.30 a.m. to go to school (and actually reaching there by 10! Amazing!), I have learnt that:

1. Jap language is actually quite interesting. Their onomatopoeia is one of a kind =D

2. Japs have no problem about borrowing syllables, words, anything at all. Piang eh. It's amazing how much they can borrow.

3. An example is the word "strike". When transliterated into Jap, it is pronounced as 'su to ra i ku'.

4. Not bad huh. Maybe, for a start, they should plug in to their national heritage and BORROW some foreign talent and capital to kickstart their ailing economy.

5. Talking about borrowing, that means that certain Singaporean words can be imported into Japanese too:

"paiseh" = pu ai se!
"shiok" = su ho i o ku
"piang eh" = pu i a ne gu- e
"wah lau eh" = wa ra u- e! (see? Japanese and Singaporean phonetics can match man.)
"KNN" = *censored*

6. I'd like to borrow a nice Jap girl too. :) And borrow her forever. =P

7. My "picture-perfect" girl, who's in JS too, is taken. Ah darn. =) But I feel happy for her la. Heh. Bet she's happy *wink*

8. That when your project mates ask you to come to a morning group discussion, and you say Yes, what you really mean is Yes, but xiong1 duo1 ji2 shao3.

9. That on a morning meant for project discussion, when Dan says

"I'll be a bit late", he means "I'll be VERY LATE"
"I was stuck in a jam", he means "I was stuck in a jam. In bed."
"It's quite difficult to make it at that time", he means "It's quite difficult for me to make it that time, given that I'll still be rolling around with Pooh in bed". (Ok, I know that sounds so wrong. Be innocent in mind, people! Tsk. =)

10. Today, for one of the rare moments in history, I prayed to God about a significant other. And God broke "radio silence" today about the girl issue. Amazing how God speaks, even in a Jap lecture (anathema to me, but never mind). And the qtn was, how long do I want to wait, given that I'm so busy and preoccupied with many things nowadays? So I told him, 2 more months.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Been really lazy.

Today, I skipped school and am now at home. That's 'cos I just feel like it.

God spoke today. I have hard ears.

I know it sounds very un-manly to say this, but I need a hug. Really. It seems like I'm breaking down more often than I want to.

Today in service, as I was in tears, I sensed myself trying to get a grip on myself and harden myself up. But then I felt the Lord's inviting hand, and it was as if he was saying, "Don't be afraid my child. Don't be afraid to be my child. Let me hold you in my arms. Though no one has given you those arms, nor would you take them if you had them, let me love you and hold you in my arms."

I'm content to let my Father hold me. And I will not harden myself up. Nor will I indulge in my emotions. I hope that my Father will make my weakness my strength, and help me to stay reliant on him.

Today Iz told me that he sensed the Lord telling me that he will definitely fulfil his promise to me, and that I must wait. It's very interesting. I have always been arguing that I have no definite assurance from God, whether for marriage or for singlehood. But incidentally Iz reminded me that God actually had promised it before. That was a bit of a shocker. That I should, in my short-sightedness, forget that (it's known as the 'thunderstorm night' incident). And so, ya, God has a promise to fulfill. And then as I was riding on my bike today, God began to impress on my mind again: Iz has to wait for his chef, and U. Dicky has to wait for his job. 2 YEARS! And having a source of income is a need lor. And if they, having these needs, can wait, how much more should I wait for God to fulfill his promises!

Maybe it's a good thing I feel so broken. Maybe that will allow God to do his mighty things without me taking credit. And maybe that will allow God to further shape me for his good will and pleasure.

Feeling strangely comforted. I will return home to the comfort of my Pooh. ('cos who else would I allow to hug me?)

*I've decided to put a secret addition here, as a blog of my listening to God. It's not secret in the sense that I don't want people to read it, but just secret in the sense that I don't wanna draw attention to it. So it's being added, discreetly, here.*

If we're gonna set up a church, it has to be God's church and not our own. There must be a reason why the church must be there.

Don't build a church for the sake of building one. Don't build a church so that it can stay in the established mold. There must be areas of strength that this church can contribute to the models of others.

So far: I want to disciple a church that's faithful to God and to each other, full of faith and the Word of God. A few things must change:

1) We must not have too big a congregation-leader ratio. Affects the depth of fellowship and the assimilation of the Word.

2) Our sheep must aspire to be like Christ. They must aspire to one day be mentors and examples to their fellow sheep. The cares of daily life must not be used as a justification for a lack of devotion to Christ. Rather, the Lord must take our burdens so that we can take his.

3) A normal Christian is one who loves God and makes God the top priority in life and service, to sacrifice in the capacity of a layman. An extraordinary Christian is one who makes extraordinary sacrifices to achieve the goals God has set him/her to do. The sickly Christian is one who barely can cope. And such people is who we aim to restore to a healthy position.

4) Systematic teaching, while important, must be mixed with spontaneous teaching. Both are impt. Because the spontaneous stays in the person, while the systematic is easily passed down.

5) Teaching involves both doctrinal teaching and teaching the sheep how to interpret the Word.

6) Fellowship and fun is also important within the community. We must not be work-driven and forget that the church is the gang with which we'll be hanging out for eternity.

7) Blind loyalty to the leader is ill-advised. Personal loyalty to a leader who is himself loyal and accountable to God, his word and the sheep is the correct principle to pass down.

8) Blind loyalty to an organisation is ill-advised. Loyalty to a church group, in the context of the universal church is the correct principle to pass down.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Shiok ah!!!

Ha. This week was a tremendous week! =) The Lord has won the victory.

Don't know how to describe it, but after 2 projects, 1 (YOUTH) camp and 1 easter svc later, and with God giving the victory over all, I feel shiok. Shiok shiok ah!

This reminds me of an army song. Same kind of feeling after finishing a terrible bout of exercise. *clears throat*

Here goes nothing. *sings*

I love SOC
Shiok shiok ah SOC
I love SOC
Run, run away ah

See the low wall
Lying there in the sun
All thanks to everyone
Run run away ah

I love booking out
Shiok shiok ah booking out
I love booking out
Run run away ah

See the fastcraft
Lying there in the sea
All thanks to MC
Run run away ah... :-)

ha. dat's me with my comp. =P Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The comments are good. The rating SUCKS.

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (41%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness (46%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion (56%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
trait snapshot:
changeable, in the middle, suspicious, somewhat traditional, dislikes chaos, down to earth, group oriented, practical... you scored in the middle on the overall factors of this test.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

*bows* Thankew! =)

They are wrong. Absolutely WRONG!

eXpressive: 5/10
Practical: 3/10
Physical: 5/10
Giver: 4/10

You are a RSYT--Reserved Sentimental Physical Taker. This makes you a Brute.

You are volatile, stormy and incredibly sexy. You have a hungry, fascinating way about you. You are a riot when you're happy and a menace when you're angry. You are strangely appealing to your target sex, and they find themselves drawn in despite their wiser instincts.

In your professional life, your type makes you a star, a force to be reckoned with, and the one people trust when they have a problem that's beyond them. In a relationship, you are a bull in a china shop, and if your partner isn't clever s/he may get plowed down. I could warn you to be more communicative with and sensitive to your partner, but that's just not going to happen. You don't ask much of your significant other, so you have no tolerance for high demands on you. For you, it's either love it or leave it.

You work hard and play hard. You enjoy a good drink. You have had many lovers and will have many more. People try and fail to get you into bed. They want you for a friend and fear you as an enemy.

This may not sound too flattering, but the truth is that because you know yourself so well you're happier in a relationship than most everybody else.

Hemingway would write about you. Maybe Hemingway is you.

Of the 212238 people who have taken this quiz, 2.6 % are this type.

Dan's Comments: I've said it once, I'll say it again, they are W-R-O-N-G...


Ha, it's amazing, for quite long I didn't have anything to bloG. :) Partly 'cos being so busy, I've been having good rests, and when I fall into deep sleep obviously there's no need to blog. No time, rather.

*yawns a big yawn*

These few days, I feel as if I'm full-time for God. Ha. Been thinking and praying a lot for the ministry, been initiating new things, been talking more to the Lord (and to Pooh)--very fun la. :D And learning that in life, there are 2 very deeply important SPIRITUAL disciplines -- 1) time with God, 2) time with the MATTRESS!

On the other hand, I have a Hist essay to finish by tomolo. Haven't start research. Die la. =D

I have Econs test tomolo. Also die la.

I have been 'promoted' by my JS grp leader as 2nd-in-chief: "-co-coordinator", as she so nicely put it. Namely, I have to chase people to get work done. Hohoho. Die liao la!!!!! *pulls hair out*

Also the main man for Alpha Weekend and Easter Svc. Piang eh. I feel it needs no elaboration.

Still, I'm very excited about this week. Heh. I have no idea how everything's gonna work out, but that's His problem. I'm just gonna do whatever I can.

Mao Zedong ah Mao Zedong (*cymbals clash*), why you kill so many people, why u so lidat, why you so lidat? *clanging of the symbols ala Chinese opera*

*yawns a big yawn*. Time for Tea Halia and all-night vigil. To arms!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Question to all my fan cluB

The question is:

1. Do you think it is possible to be an influencer in most of the situations in your life?

(i.e. for those who know DISC analysis, you can interpret the question as "Is it possible for me to be an I in all situations: in work, school, church, cell group, band, CCA, etc? Or is it only in a few situations that it is realistically possible?"

A few of my thoughts/questions to whet your appetite:

1. Being an influencer can take up a lot of energy. Especially when you're relating to people that may not be essentially your type.
2. How does influence work? Especially when you're aiming to influence them to God's standard? Influence has the idea of give and take, so what can be given and what can be taken?
3. Are we supposed to influence everyone we meet? Or can we take it for granted that we're already influencing everyone we meet?)

Feel free to reply to this blog and leave your comments. If you've quotes from people to back up your opinion, do leave them as well. =)

A good and eventful day

It was a good and eventful day because:

1. We had a Easter party in which there was too much food. =) Always a good predicament if you ask me.

2. I got to exercise my faith in God by witnessing. And then I now realise truly that I need even more faith in God. =)

3. I got to chat a bit with Kelly. Heh. And also to listen to her opinions and what she thinks. I want to be a good shepherd to all my sheep. I don't want to be a taskmaster, or someone who forces others against their will (Satan likes to accuse me of this). I want to love my sheep. More than ever. And to love them not just in acceptance, but directing them towards a path of progress in God. So defend me God against my enemies, and help me to be an influencer.

4. We had a performance in the night (J-pop! of all things!) and I got to see a LOT (and I mean it, a lot) of Japanese beauties and wannabees (who are also beauties, I must add).

5. The lead singer of my band is a chio bu. -smile- And she likes talking to me. =D

6. This positive experience means my interest in JS 1101 might just be going up. =) Who says you can't enjoy your activity and improve your studies at the same time? Maybe I'll experience the same miracle i experienced for German...

Monday, March 14, 2005


For all of you pai kias who have not yet watched Hitch, I heartily recommend it. =D chio kao peng, and will smith is good as usual. Haha. Despite being a romantic comedy, the fact it made me chio kao peng must say how funny it is. So go, watch it! =))

Things I have learnt from Hitch:

1. Will Smith is a chao good buaya. HA. His planning is immaculate. Vastly different from a certain BIG COW who's immaculate planning revolves around "1001 Ways Not to Bore Your Date" and "Reversing The Rigor Mortis In You".

2. Somehow the fat guy dancing reminds me of me. Ha. (shut out memories of JC times, shut out memories of JC times, -blink-) Time to go for more exercise...

3. Life is not half as exciting as in the movie. *bleah* What's new.

4. Kissing -- just go 90%, and let the ger go 10%. Best tip I ever learnt.

5. If you're a fat guy, never, and I mean NEVER, scrunch up your lips when you wanna kiss. Chao disgusting. Imagine Babe the piglet initiating a kiss. Urgh.

6. When dancing to Usher, simply look cool, move simply, and snip off all the tendency to show off your great hip-swinging moves. =) Especially if your hip's, you-know, well-endowed-- such that swinging it reminds us of a Physics experiment involving a great pendulum.

7. The importance of a girl's best friend's opinion. Heyy~ 10 points for originality.

8. Basically, girls are always right. Even when they:
a. Malign you publicly without proper evidence
b. Cost a couple their relationship
c. Cost you your job
-- they're entitled to say sorry and leave it as that (you know, "sorry", and then if the guy cannot accept it, resign to fate and not try anymore). And of course, the guy, being the gentleman that he is, eventually decides he wants the relationship. What does he do? He salvages the relationship by making all the professions of love as if the girl deserves it. To me, I object. Both to the girl, and to the guy. I think it's just plain nonsense. I wouldn't do that doodad in a million years if you asked me, 'cos I don't see why a girl in her right mind would just give up after one "no". And why a guy should step below his dignity to right a conflict which he didn't cause in the first place.

9. But oh well. It's just a show. *shrugs*

AND number TEN,

10. I'm gonna look out for fiddling keys more often. *wink* (only those that watch the show will geddit, I'm afraid, so....WATCH THE SHOW! =D)

Ah, but anyway, it was a tiring day. Spent a lot of time with parents, which was good, then later turned irritating. Ha. Spent time with the Heavenly Dad too, to refresh me from my Earthly Gramma.

Had a call from Joey in which she gave some good advice. =) V interesting that she should make it a pt to call just to mention that. Not that I didn't know it already--but the temptation has always lurked around. Why? 'Cos there's a temptation to pity myself. And to use the whole thing as a justification for self-pity. The whole idea that even IF I were to choose that girl, the girl's bad for me, but what else can I do? Can anyone give a better substitute? And so, can they judge me?

But I remember what Maine said in her blog: only God satisfies the need for intimacy. He can do it through people, a girlfriend, a wife, friends (and for me, parents) -- but we must recognise that it is God who fills the need. So I don't want to yield to that temptation. It's always lurking around, the way temptation always does, but I'll just resist Satan and look away. But Scriptural advice is always good: "if you think you're standing firm, be careful you do not fall!"

So I don't mind her advice. =) Nice to know someone cares anyway.

Anyway in life there's bigger fish to fry. We've got souls to save and a Good News to preach. And decent grades to get and some pocket money to earn. Responsibility to practice (too much, in my opinion, ha) and dependency on God to learn. And so we will, God willing.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

A faithful friend

Let me tell you of my new-found friend.

The first time I met up with him was downstairs, at the void deck. The first thing that struck me was his size. He has a head bigger than mine, with a waistline rivalling mine. =D Seeing he had nothing to do, I invited him back to watch my door.

Over these past weeks, he has become a dearest friend. He has such an inviting smile. When I'm down, he opens up his arms and gives me a great bear hug. And he doesn't really ask questions, probing as to why I need so much attention. All I know is that when I need comfort, I go to him. Especially in the loneliness of the night, when no one knows what I'm feeling and going thru. (Esp when telling the guys won't help that much either...)

Now that my MSN is gone, my War III gone, I realised why I don't get down to studying. 'Cos I spend so much time thinking and brooding. But when he's around, although I'm thinking, at least I know I'm not alone.

Thanks, Pooh. And thank God for giving me you as a faithful, non-talkative and fully vulnerable friend. I'm gonna post a picture of you here the moment I know how to get your photo from my hp to this terrible terrible comp.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

At long last...

At long last, I have finished off War III, MSN messenger and all the late nights involved with supper. :) One week of missing some crucial classes is enough for me. Time to at least do the minimum requirement of being in SCHOOL.

Besides, I need to be in school to gather more fodder for my ever-expanding blog *evil laffter*...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

There's FIRE in the House (995 part II)

testing, 1 , 2, 3.

There's FIRE in the House (995 part II)

Today, after reading Sarah's blog, I feel inspired. Inspired about music actually. Even though it's only a small part of one blogpost.

Which obviously reminds me: I long to be inspired. To be inspired by someone. To be challenged and prodded to new heights. To catch once again the freshness of what God wants to do on the face of NUS. To catch the vision of being absolutely transformed by God. To find meaning in all that I do. To be awed by the magnitude of his love for me.

To wonder, like a child. For unless I be transformed to be a child, to have the faith, reliance and the sense of wonder a child has, I surely cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

It's no wonder then that it's good to have spiritual covering. Someone to look up to, to seek advice from, and to find inspiration. Someone whom I can say, "I wanna be just like this guy."

Christ, be my inspiration. Awe me with who you are. Amaze me by your works. Prod me by your holiness. Lead and cover me with your mighty hand. Be my hero.

And when I grow up, I wanna be just like you are.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ramblings and Musings

*yawns* Today I'm feeling...slack. I'm now lazing around in the Campus Corner with Glenn and doing...nothing. =) I really feel like doing absolutely NOTHING. I think it's just sheer lethargy.

Just edited small bits of my poem "In Knowledge", to make it more meaning-laden. Ha. Go check it out if you will. It's still floating in my mind, every word that I had written. =| Oh well. I'm still coping well la. Not happy, but learning to be content lor. I'm trying to gripe less and find more comfort in friends...

I went to Campus Corner in Arts today and felt rather disappointed. There were a few familiar faces, but hardly anyone talks to me nowsaday. =( Normally that's no issue by me la...just that today feeling a wee bit sensitive and lonely (ok, fine. understatement of the year.) Glad I went to meet Glenn. Although we were talking conspiracy theory and why the Canon is the Canon, the pt is, we were TALKING. =] hope he didn't feel dried up by me...

Singing "You were meant for me" with Glenn now... *xin1 suan1*

I asked the Lord, why is it in the loneliest of times, when I was down and out, there was only one pair of footprints on the sand? And he answered, Son, it was then that I was carrying you.

Guitar day!

To all of you who share my passion for music: Today was one of the few times I got to play my guitar to an audience of...One. =) In shiok shiok fashion and in the comfort of my room!

Started with Californication, then went to Kryptonite, then Change The World. And I figured out the solo which Eric Clapton does so well in his music video... :D

Then, switched channels. Went to One Way, then Better Than Life. =P

And then, we ended "Car Tunes" with Daniel Ng with "More Than Words". *big smile*

I feel so freeeeee....ah. =)

P.S. Does anyone know how to post music into your bloG? Maybe I can do a recording and pin it up here for all you folks!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Singapore's Natural Education (SNE05)

Over the weekend, as a guai student NOT in school, (i.e. in un-JPBSP-like fashion)

I have learnt that:

1. British humour is very splendid, but nasty indeed.

2. *British accent* If we're gonna do a lot of fannying about, with all kinds of hoity-toity and weely-neely about everything, then we might be more productive, doing the Kum-ba-ya. (Thanks to the Thin Blue Line)

3. You could replace "doing the Kum-ba-ya" above by "singing ging-gang-gooly".

4. The phrase "ging-gang-gooly" refers to "Ging gang gooly gooly gooly gooly wacha, ging gang gool, ging gang gool."

5. Since this is a good humour blog, I have decided not to include the "My arse is on the line" jokes. =)

6. That if it continues to rain, or threaten to rain, even watching Romeo and Juliet can be lead to revival in your prayer life.

7. Needless to say, the R&J was outdoors. And the prayers were of, well, a certain timbre and length. It's called the "Prayer of Desperate Man Who Wants To Avert Rain To Watch Something Of Which The Words Cannot Be Understood."

8. The prayer can also be titled, "Prayer of Desperate Man Who Wants To Make His Twenty One Stinking Singapore Shells Worthwhile."

9. By the way, prayer worked. =) As usual, I might add.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Grit my teeth, put plaster, carry on.

To all my loyal fanclub, pls excuse me. Haw haw. These few days been too melancholic to be a joker. :P

Acherly, I realise I write a lot better than I speak. *thinks* At least, people more or less can hear what I'm saying when I write. Haz. Oh well. Today I got a offer from Joey to write a post in their newsletter. Haha. Didn't expect that. She said that she found my blog entries really funny, so she's asking whether I can help. For me, no issue one la, so long it's not a repetitive commitment or something. =) Helping a friend is no problem. (So long it becomes a help and not a burden)

Why can't commit, you ask? Simple. 'Cos I've got a lot of other commitments to take care of. Commitments which not many people will take on. Commitments which are great investments in heaven... *thinks about the storage account there...hopefully it's a big fat piggy bank*

I think, every night from 11-1 a.m., is the worst point of every day. I don't know if I should take some time alone to sort out what I'm feeling. Not as if it'll be much help, actually. I was wondering if that's why every alternate blog is so down and every other blog is a-ok.

I'm chatting with her right now. Not that she will see this, of course. I think...I'm too emotional about this kinda thing already. Nowadays to keep myself ok, I remind myself-- nan2 ren2 da4 zhang4 fu3, nan2 nu3 si1 qing2, he2 zhu2 gua4 chi3. Instead I should be xiong2 xin1 guang3 da4, gan4 hao3 yi4 fan1 shi4 ye4.

Pain is a friend. It reminds you you're alive. And it won't last forever. But I still don't understand, why I cannot help feeling this way.

Maybe it's just something about being awake at the wrong time. The 11 p.m. curse. Or falling for the wrong girl. The long-haired curse.

I will endure, as long as it takes. I will endure.

Friday, March 04, 2005

A happy day~

Despite staying up till 5.30 a.m. yesterday to do my History essay, I'm feeling quite happy today.

Someone must be praying. =) Whoever you are, thanks. I really appreciate it.


Yesterday, I chatted with Chris, slightly more than usual. Ha. And he quoted Ecclesiastes to me, saying "Enjoy life, for it is a gift from God." And that's true la. Heh.

I'm thankful I watched "The Thin Blue Line" yesterday and today. Watching Mr Rowan Atkinson and his splendid wit really make me chio kao peng. But it's true la, laughter really makes a difference in life. These few days have been...very serious. *sighs* After all, thinking can be a highly serious activity~

For those who have been following regularly, I've changed the title of the first poem to something more neutral -- In Innocence. Felt that the second title I gave it was too tainted by the emotions experienced with hindsight.

Once again, I shall recap the key thoughts in my mind, culminating in today's total mix.

1. Mumma, I wanna go home.
2. This pilgrimage is getting a bit LONELY.
3. After 2 weeks, I have progressed from no NO CHOICE.
4. Confucious, he old man he doth say, "Old wineskins cannot hold new wine. Must mend the leak first."
5. And Daniel, he young man he doth say, "Mend my emotional wineskin before it gets worse."
6. We shall make the most of today.
7. Without dying.

I need a laugh. Time to hit "The Thin Blue Line" again.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Singapore's Natural Education (SNE 04)

This is gonna be a more subdued public education post, I promise. =)

As a person-with-free-day-but-still-went-to-school-anyway, I have learnt the following:

1. People in the public service endure low pay and terrible working hours. That's why they have a right to scold you.

2. This is especially so when they are in a, to be politically-correct, NOT SO prestigious sector of the public service. Like handling season parking coupons.

3. Apparently public servants know (and actively discuss) about Plato and Greek philosophy. WOW. While dishing out parking coupons, of course.

4. Person with free day but went to school? Either he has good reason to be there, or he is what we call JPBSP.

5. JPBSP is a Hokkien phrase meaning "Eat finish got no excrement to put."

6. Never tell someone you are trying to train up that a special guest is arriving. They'll freak out and start hitting you all over.

7. While holding bridge cards and asking for less preparation time to avert the crisis, I must add.

8. Of course, the special guest did not come. Alone, that is. TWO special guests came. =P

9. The probability of being whacked more is in direct proportion to the number of special guests. Not to mention that person doing the whacking is a future public servant. Training hard, I see.

There's FIRE in the house (995 part I)

Without faith it is impossible to please God.

And faith, is God's kind of faith. Not man's kind of faith.

'Cos God's kind of faith, will move mountains. It's the kind of faith that:

1) delivers Israel from Egypt
2) delivers Egypt from famine
3) calms the storm at the Sea of Galilee
4) casts out demons
5) heals the man with a shrivelled hand

Not the ordinary kind of faith. It's God's kind of faith.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

In Knowledge

Dunno what's it about
Myself that makes me
Ask the things
I do.

At last I know, I hear
At last it is said to me
that he is

Take my pat, precious cat
Be thankful you've not torn down
Rose plants emerging from choppy waters --

As you did so
Five years ago.

For fortune is not for you,
No, nor chance the enabler of your choice
Lack is not too great a loss to handle
When will wields all works

And I, dear love, I
Am a pure acetylene virgin
Attended by lilies, by you, by Him
By him, and you
And you and him

To love myself
To know
that not all the past is forgotten
And not that easily unlearnt.
And that is courage for a newer day.

(In celebration of 1 Tim 6: "Yet true religion with contentment is great wealth. 7After all, we didn't bring anything with us when we came into the world, and we certainly cannot carry anything with us when we die. 8So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.")


N.B. I took line 18 from Sylvia Plath's Fever 103 degrees for intertextual effect. Feel free to infer whatever you need to from the intertextuality. That Plath was writing as a female and I as a male can have some significance, actually.

--Dan, Mar 2005